Earn your Certificate of Completion in 12 weeks! Certificates earned at the WATR Center are applicable to jobs in aerospace manufacturing and a variety of manufacturing sectors, including maritime, construction, medical devices, space, automotive, and military/defense.
All WATR program courses (Core and Specialty) are 12 weeks in length. Students must achieve a 3.0 GPA (80%) on all on-line Core quizzes and on the final exam to receive a Certificate of Completion and move on to their specialty program. Students must achieve a 3.0 GPA (80%) on all online quizzes, the final exam and on lab projects to receive a Certificate of Completion in any of the specialty programs.
Earn college credit and Certificates of Completion that will qualify students for opportunities in aerospace and manufacturing careers. The WATR Center offers several educational programs that are designed to get students trained and ready for high-paying jobs in the shortest amount of time.
Have a question about the Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center (WATR) programs? Registration? Financial assistance? Something else? You may find the answer here. If not, please contact the WATR Center at waterc@edmonds.edu or 425.640.1840.